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Zorin OS 15正式发布了,该版本基于Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS,具有Windows主题桌面环境,Zorin OS 15 Core和Ultimate提供64位ISO下载,Zorin OS 15的Lite和Education版本将推出64位和32位版本,Zorin OS 15随Zorin Connect(基于KDE Con nect)一起提供,用于在设备之间共享信息、改进性能和预定的 Zorin OS released /12/Zorin-OS-12.2-Lite-Education-64.iso; 4 years ago Zorin OS released /12/Zorin-OS-12.1-Lite-Education-64.iso; 4 years ago Get notifications on updates for this project. Get the SourceForge newsletter. Get newsletters and notices that include site news, special offers and exclusive discounts about IT products & services. 使用下载推荐: CentOS-7.0-x86_64-DVD-1503-01.iso 标准安装版,一般下载这个就可以了(推荐) CentOS-7.0-x86_64-NetInstall-1503-01.iso 网络安装镜像(从网络安装或者救援系统) CentOS-7.0-x86_64-Everything-1503-01.iso 对完整版安装盘的软件进行补充,集成所有软件。 Zorin OS 15.3 Education Lite. For old computers (Lightweight desktop based on XFCE). Download 64-bit Download 32-bit. The 64-bit version is recommended for most computers. Older PCs with less than 2GB of RAM may only be compatible with the 32-bit version. Zorin OS 15发布六个月后,Zorin OS 15.1是基于佳能公司最新的Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS(Bionic Beaver)操作系统的开源和免费计算机操作系统的第一个重大更新,这意味着它现在,Zorin OS开发人员继续以Linux 5.0内核随附以提供更好的硬件支持,因为Zorin OS开发人员将继续针对那些 Zorin OS 15 Education Edition基于长期受支持的Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)操作系统系列,该系列在2023年4月之前支持软件和安全更新。如果您想在学校和大学中部署Zorin OS 15教育版,现在就可以通过以下的链接免费下载它。 下载: Zorin-OS-15-Education-64-bit.iso (4319MB)。 相关:
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Zorin OS is available in two editions: a free Core edition and commercial Ultimate edition. Download (SHA256): Zorin-OS-12-Core-64.iso (1,545MB, pkglist). macOS, Windows, Linux & Touch desktop layouts. Over 20 games included. Includes Ultimate Lite edition for old and low-spec PCs. A powerful operating system designed to make your computer faster, more secure and easier to use. ZORIN OS 12.2 Lite Ultimate 2018 Free operating system Download totally Linux based. this powered by Peatix : More than a ticket. Oct 7, 2020 — Zorin os linux 9.1 ultimate 64 bit download torrent linux downloads in ISO supports both 32bit x86 and 64bit x64 plats form zorin os 12.2 Download Zorin OS for free. Zorin OS is the alternative to Windows and macOS designed to make your computer Released /15/Zorin-OS-15.3-Core-64-bit.iso First, I spent the extra money for Zorin OS Ultimate which includes "priority Zorin OS is available in two editions: a free Core edition and commercial Ultimate edition. Download (SHA256): Zorin-OS-12-Core-64.iso (1,545MB, pkglist).
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